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Wild Warrior
Going Deeper on the Wild Warrior Archetype:
You are wild at heart! You love to be and feel free to express yourself in all areas. You LOVE adventure and anything that shakes up your world in a fun way.
You really enjoy a good party and you love to be the center of the action!
You are a social butterfly that thrives off of social interaction. You were that kid in high school that everyone wanted to hang out with.
Let’s face it, as a Wild Warrior you are a blast to be with and highly dynamic.
And yes… you are passionate AF!
You also get very excited at the thought of new possibilities and creations and are quick to say yes to things that light you up!
Let’s now talk about the challenge of being a Wild Warrior…
The shadow side of being a Wild Warrior though is that you sometimes overcommit to things.
You can be so excited by everything, that you say yes to #allthethings, and sometimes you fall short on the follow through.
This can lead to breakdowns in relationships. It can also cause low self-esteem, as it can leave people feeling frustrated with you because you can sometimes break your word.
The Wild Warrior can also appear ungrounded and unfocused at times. This is something that frustrates you personally because you are also so driven.
The truth is that although your result aligns you to the Wild Warrior, we all have a little bit of all of the warriors inside of us. The Wild Warrior. The Huntress. The Nurturer. The Wise Warrior.
And becoming a fully integrated warrior is how we become masterful in our own being. When we learn to draw on each of the archetypes and step into them with grace and grit when needed is how we truly step into our personal power.
So I ask you, are you ready to stand more fully in your Power, as an integrated Spiritual Warrior?
If you are ready to rock it out… join us in the private Facebook community “The Spiritual Warrior”.
In this private community you will have access to:
- Community,
- Resources,
- Free offers,
- Free trainings.
Join now so that you can benefit from all the resources in the group.
See you there!

Wild Warrior
Going Deeper on the Wild Warrior Archetype:
You are wild at heart! You love to be and feel free to express yourself in all areas. You LOVE adventure and anything that shakes up your world in a fun way.
You really enjoy a good party and you love to be the center of the action!
You are a social butterfly that thrives off of social interaction. You were that kid in high school that everyone wanted to hang out with.
Let’s face it, as a Wild Warrior you are a blast to be with and highly dynamic.
And yes… you are passionate AF!
You also get very excited at the thought of new possibilities and creations and are quick to say yes to things that light you up!
Let’s now talk about the challenge of being a Wild Warrior…
The shadow side of being a Wild Warrior though is that you sometimes overcommit to things.
You can be so excited by everything, that you say yes to #allthethings, and sometimes you fall short on the follow through.
This can lead to breakdowns in relationships. It can also cause low self-esteem, as it can leave people feeling frustrated with you because you can sometimes break your word.
The Wild Warrior can also appear ungrounded and unfocused at times. This is something that frustrates you personally because you are also so driven.
The truth is that although your result aligns you to the Wild Warrior, we all have a little bit of all of the warriors inside of us. The Wild Warrior. The Huntress. The Nurturer. The Wise Warrior.
And becoming a fully integrated warrior is how we become masterful in our own being. When we learn to draw on each of the archetypes and step into them with grace and grit when needed is how we truly step into our personal power.
So I ask you, are you ready to stand more fully in your Power, as an integrated Spiritual Warrior?
If you are ready to rock it out… join us in the private Facebook community “The Spiritual Warrior”.
In this private community you will have access to:
- Community,
- Resources,
- Free offers,
- Free trainings.
Join now so that you can benefit from all the resources in the group.
See you there!