Wise Warrior
Going Deeper on the Wise Warrior Archetype:
Wise Warrior, you are incredible and you know how to get things done!
Your tenacity and ability to focus is next-level. You have an amazing ability to focus on details and follow through on your endeavors.
You stand up for what you believe in and have learned how to use your voice to speak up.
You have a feeling for injustice and it truly bothers you when you feel others are being harmed.
You are driven and have learned to master both your masculine and feminine sides.
Because you are a “justice warrior” you can appear to be quite the “mama bear” and protect the interests of your friends, family, and community.
You are the keeper of stories as you do not forget anything!
The shadow side of being too identified with your archetype is that you can come across as being cold.
You also have a tendency to overwork, and not take time out to have fun!
You could allow yourself to soften into your feminine side more often, so as to enjoy the flow of life.
Due to your serious side, relationships can suffer as you sometimes do not slow down enough to drop into your heart and get vulnerable.
Your stretch is being vulnerable and trusting your amazing heart to tap into the immense wisdom you hold.
The truth is that although your result aligns you to the Wild Warrior, we all have a little bit of all of the warriors inside of us. The Wild Warrior. The Huntress. The Nurturer. The Wise Warrior.
And becoming a fully integrated warrior is how we become masterful in our own being. When we learn to draw on each of the archetypes and step into them with grace and grit when needed is how we truly step into our personal power.
So I ask you, are you ready to stand more fully in your Power, as an integrated Spiritual Warrior?
If you are ready to rock it out… join us in the private Facebook community “The Spiritual Warrior”.
In this private community you will have access to:
- Community,
- Resources,
- Free offers,
- Free trainings.
Join now so that you can benefit from all the resources in the group.
See you there!
Join The Spiritual Warrior Community >>>
Wise Warrior
Going Deeper on the Wise Warrior Archetype:
Wise Warrior, you are incredible and you know how to get things done!
Your tenacity and ability to focus is next-level. You have an amazing ability to focus on details and follow through on your endeavors.
You stand up for what you believe in and have learned how to use your voice to speak up.
You have a feeling for injustice and it truly bothers you when you feel others are being harmed.
You are driven and have learned to master both your masculine and feminine sides.
Because you are a “justice warrior” you can appear to be quite the “mama bear” and protect the interests of your friends, family, and community.
You are the keeper of stories as you do not forget anything!
The shadow side of being too identified with your archetype is that you can come across as being cold.
You also have a tendency to overwork, and not take time out to have fun!
You could allow yourself to soften into your feminine side more often, so as to enjoy the flow of life.
Due to your serious side, relationships can suffer as you sometimes do not slow down enough to drop into your heart and get vulnerable.
Your stretch is being vulnerable and trusting your amazing heart to tap into the immense wisdom you hold.
The truth is that although your result aligns you to the Wild Warrior, we all have a little bit of all of the warriors inside of us. The Wild Warrior. The Huntress. The Nurturer. The Wise Warrior.
And becoming a fully integrated warrior is how we become masterful in our own being. When we learn to draw on each of the archetypes and step into them with grace and grit when needed is how we truly step into our personal power.
So I ask you, are you ready to stand more fully in your Power, as an integrated Spiritual Warrior?
If you are ready to rock it out… join us in the private Facebook community “The Spiritual Warrior”.
In this private community you will have access to:
- Community,
- Resources,
- Free offers,
- Free trainings.
Join now so that you can benefit from all the resources in the group.
See you there!